Thursday, 6 August 2009

6th August 12.52am


How is everyone?
I just thought i'd leave a wee post cause im having quite an interesting conversation with my mates.

So, what makes a perfect best mate?
Is it their intuition to know when something is wrong without you saying anything?
Or the fact they tell you the blunt honest truth, knowing you need to hear it.
The way you could call them at 4 in the morning an they wouldnt hang up on you?
Or the way you call them a hippo and they laugh with you and don't kill you?
The way they help with guys and wouldn't go out with your ex?
Or you have a class next and you need the homework, so they help?
Or is it that you can go to them about anything and they'll be there for you?

These are just a few things we could ask ourselves but we have intuition to know when someone is our best mate. We don't need to be told. We don't need to use cliches to describe our mates. The world was built on originality, so why fall back on used thoughts now?

A mate of Bekka and I's said to us: You're each one half of Becka. Your the one's trying to change what we live in.

And it's true.

We want to make a difference together.

Becka x

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