Monday, 17 August 2009

17th August 11am

Hiya guys :)

Thought i'd just comment on Bekka's blog last night. I completly get what she means. Sometimes it's best just to be honest, especially with your best mates. We had a similar conversation a few nights ago and we realised that we are truely best mates and i wouldn't change anything, if you can't be yourself with your best mate are you true around everyone else?

The other night i asked bekka about what should i do about this one guy and she told me if i still liked him after everything and i know what he's like then i must be mad [ thats another story i might share one day]. She was right and i was so glad that she was blunt with me, instead of allowing me to believe doubts.

So yeah. Be Honest. Be Happy.

Beccccaa x

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Sunday August 16 - 21.45

Its Bekka.
Im down in England just now on holiday with my family. And I've been doing a lot of thinking.
You know what really bugs me ? When people blow things totally out of proportion. It's so silly. That's how people get hurt and upset and things get ruined. I know this better than anyone I think. I've really learned my lesson after I lost two of my closest mates cause things got totally out of hand. What started of as a tiny mistake got made into a huge crime and everything just went belly up. And to be honest I think it was partly my fault cause I'm too proud of myself and wouldn't admit I was wrong. I'm like that though. I hate admitting that I'm wrong. I'm sure a lot of you are like that.
Sometimes you get into a situation where it's better if you just admit that you were in the wrong and that you're the one that's done bad instead of trying to cover for yourself or turn the blame around. As the saying goes, 'honesty is the best policy'. And there's no point making a mountain out of a mole hill so to speak cause that is really when things start to go wrong.
Think of this, Kate and Sarah are best mates. They plan a night out. Kate phones Sarah last minute and cancels, saying something has come up. Sarah doesn't believe her and thinks Kate must be annoyed at her.
Maybe something really has come up. Or maybe Kate just doesn't feel like going out and doesn't wanna hurt Sarah's feelings by saying so. But at the end of the day, Sarah shouldn't be getting paranoid about it. I'm sure there'll be other nights you can go out. And if something has come up, fair enough, but if Kate just didn't wanna go out, she should have just said so.
There's proof, don't lie just tell the truth it makes life so much more easy.
If your friends are true friends they won't mind you cancelling cause you don't feel like going out. And if they really are true friends they won't mind you telling them the truth, even if it is slightly harsh.
I'm honest with Becca all the time and look at us. If she tries on a dress and it looks crap, I'll tell her instead of saying it looks good to keep her happy. If she's being daft and needs a kick up the backside to make her realise she's being stupid, I'll give her a kick up the butt.
It sometimes takes the harsh truth to make things better.
So to conclude this wee rant I'm having here, tell the truth all the time and when you're wrong, swallow your pride and admit to it.
Take it from an 'expert' it really is best to be honest and try not to take things out of hand cause in the long run it will ruin friendships.
Beks x

Saturday, 15 August 2009

15th August 5.15pm

What is it about parents and their kids that say that they always have to have some form of argument?
I don't get personally.
I mean one feels crap so they take it out on everyone else on whatever small thing they can find.
Or something thats so clearly an accident becomes a problem.

Is there a need for any of it?
Isn't it possible that we don't need to resolve to a shouting match over everything?
You'd think it would be. Everyone is the same age at some stage right?
I mean sure theres' respect and we're all meant to respect our parents and our elders but doesn't these things work two ways? Treat others like you want to be treated, a wise thing i learnt at primary school.

I sometimes think after i've had an argument with my mum or dad, was there any need for it? Teens are given such a bad name when it comes to disrespecting people but what people say about us is sometimes totally wrong and prejudiced. Isn't that the same thing, just swapped about?

People say that communication is key to keeping a good relationship, shouldn't we apply that to our family as well?

Sometimes we just need to stop and think.

Becka x

Thursday, 6 August 2009

6th August 12.52am


How is everyone?
I just thought i'd leave a wee post cause im having quite an interesting conversation with my mates.

So, what makes a perfect best mate?
Is it their intuition to know when something is wrong without you saying anything?
Or the fact they tell you the blunt honest truth, knowing you need to hear it.
The way you could call them at 4 in the morning an they wouldnt hang up on you?
Or the way you call them a hippo and they laugh with you and don't kill you?
The way they help with guys and wouldn't go out with your ex?
Or you have a class next and you need the homework, so they help?
Or is it that you can go to them about anything and they'll be there for you?

These are just a few things we could ask ourselves but we have intuition to know when someone is our best mate. We don't need to be told. We don't need to use cliches to describe our mates. The world was built on originality, so why fall back on used thoughts now?

A mate of Bekka and I's said to us: You're each one half of Becka. Your the one's trying to change what we live in.

And it's true.

We want to make a difference together.

Becka x